Fear seemingly has taken hold of humanity. Possibly it has always been so. Potentially it could keep its grip for a long time to come.
Who created fear? Is it a thing or is it a thing simply to be feared in itself. What does it look and feel like…why does it permeate deep within the psyche of man and woman? Can we eradicate fear?
An inbuilt mechanism
Going way back in time the emotion of fear was an alert signal, an inbuilt mechanism to warn people of potential danger and imminent threat, seen or perceived. To be sure, fear is a feeling, an energetic vibration created as a response to what is seen in front of us. Therefore it could be seen as a friend, and, above all, a protector. That’s a good thing certainly.
Yet what is this fear that many are experiencing now? Who or what created it? Where is it coming from?
Stand back for a moment and survey your world: can you identify any source of fear that you are experiencing right now? We can talk financial, societal, ideological and agree that unwelcome changes in personal circumstances contribute to anxiety, but if fear is taking hold of you then we must deal with its causes quickly. Fear immobilises. It stops you from thinking and reasoning clearly. In essence, fear causes an increase in adrenaline and cortisol, which if sustained, is not beneficial to your heart….an understatement. This feeling attacks your mental and bodily health. It is a signal that you need to wake up.
If you are feeling fear, then are you in control of your thoughts and emotions? Possibly not. So what is directing you to feel this….a spider, climbing a ladder, the potential loss of your status in life…you decide.
That is the point…you decide. It’s a choice to feel fear. I’ll say that again…it is a choice. You can choose to stay fearful and you can choose to be removed from it. You have to know yourself.
Is there a message being distributed in this world
Is there a message being distributed in this world to deliver you ideas of being in fear? Think over the last three years and the sources of the fear messaging. Television perhaps. Programmes….think on that word. Are you watching and believing all you see and hear? Are you able to filter fact from fiction…do you use discernment? What’s real and what isn’t? If the downside of fear is the absence of rational thinking who stands to gain from your fear? It certainly isn’t you. If you are unable to think and act rationally then you could be manipulated into acting or following the dictates of an external source…think on this. We could say then that the fear you may be experiencing, is manufactured and is directed to keep you in a state of submission, controllable and unable to reason your way out.
Conversational hypnosis
The first step to regain your innate critical thinking is to make the choice to expel fear from your life unless you’re hanging by your fingernails from the ledge of a cliff. Then you are halfway there. Know that the only thing you can control, are your own thoughts, feelings and emotions…nothing external to you can direct your responses to a situation unless you allow it. Conversational hypnosis is a gentle intrusion into the store of your subconscious, unlocking the drivers and the blockages to clear thinking. The root causes of your fears and insecurities are to be found there. Within are all the answers. You’ll need to dig deep and you will discover and uncover the truth. This is the path to eradicating fear. Meet it head on and eliminate the cause.