What on earth is self-awareness and are you aware of your self-esteem or lack of? Now I’m not talking about awareness of what’s going on in the world, that conversation is for another time and it is a page turner. Perhaps we’ll get to it soon enough. I’m not referring to mental health awareness either, although indirectly there is a link here.
Being aware, of oneself or self-awareness, as we are going to discuss here, puts you into a niche category. A club of explorers if you like and there are few in it. There are though, a multitude of attributes required to being self-aware. Ultimately, it comes down to what you do with what you know. Cultivating self-awareness above all can ignite a deeper understanding of what underpins our self-esteem. This is a key foundation in how we view our place in the world, how we interact with others. As a result what we allow to strengthen or undermine our position.
Awareness of your energy
First though I want to explain that when you think about your life, your actions, the stuff that happens to you and around you. It’s important to know that roughly 90% of what drives our behaviour, thought patterns and emotional responses is hidden deep within our subconscious mind. Held within our energy field if you can visualise such a thing. This often unacknowledged power pack is never off, not once. It absorbs the energetic vibrations of every situation we have ever been involved with.
You may already be thinking hey..what! no idea what you are going on about. Yet every encounter, thought, action, word uttered, response holds an energetic vibration. Consequently, that can affect us in ways we cannot comprehend unless we have self-awareness. You can relate to this when you think about someone who is constantly miserable, perhaps bordering on low self-esteem and you can’t stand to be in their company for long. It is important to realise that their energy vibration could be low, dense and most likely draining your own. Move away. Like attracts like, what we put out we get back in return, ultimately. As they always say…”be careful what you wish for”.
Does Self-awareness underpin self esteem?
This brings me round to a key point regarding introspective self-awareness. That action of looking inward and questioning, observing and analyzing our behaviour within our environment. Asking “why” you do the things you do or think the way you do is all but futile. Your conscious reasoning and attributing will most likely be unable to formulate an accurate response, all in all possibly a best guess at most. This question will leave you unsatisfied and as confused as ever. You may be better advised to ask “what” in its place. This will elicit a more creative response and if you introspect deep enough, long enough you may well receive the answers you seek.
As an example, asking why you are feeling anxious before an interview may elicit a response that signifies lack of assuredness. Therefore, asking what is the purpose of the anxiety can reveal enlightening insights. In particular, keeping you on your toes, keeping you alert, remembrance of facts and figures and so forth. Knowing what underpins your emotions certainly gives you valuable tools to build up a healthy self-esteem.
Owning your thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Ownership is having the ability to evaluate our own thoughts, feelings, emotions. How these expressions relate to our inner values and more importantly how we are to be perceived by others. Awareness of the effect we are having in our external world, on other people and situations is an asset. Consequently when nurtured it can give us the edge in a leadership role for example. We have the knowledge to be able to modify our behaviour if we know how others see us. More often than not they see aspects of ourselves in a completely different way than we believe.
It is often said that each of us is a different persona in the minds of all who come into contact with us. Why….well because we react and respond in very different ways to everyone we know, we hide facets of our character for some and reveal them for others. Some may say…I don’t get along with him or her because x,y,z…others may see you as the best thing going. It’s all you, different aspects of you but if you are self-aware you are enabled to reach in and nurture those elements of you that do you justice….
2FreeMe will give you the tools to dig deep inside so book a session to reveal the gold that only you can polish to perfection…….